Tuesday 21 September 2010

When a 7 night holiday is 6 nights or 8?

If I book a 7 night holiday and arrive at my destination in the morning I understand if I do not have access to my hotel room until the afternoon of the day of my arrival. What I do not understand is being charged for a room I cannot access because I am not in the country and the travel agent knows I cannot access it. My family and I recently booked a 7 night holiday in Turkey (Turkey was fantastic, so was the resort and hotel). Our flight landed at 8 O'clock Saturday morning, we were transported to the hotel and were very surprised that on arrival we were taken straight to our room. We were due to fly home the following Saturday at 06.00hrs, we had to vacate our room by miday on the day of the return flight, well no problems there as we were leaving several hours earlier. We booked a day trip with the travel rep on Friday (we thought our last day), imagine our surprise when on the Friday as we sailed around the aegean to get a call to tell us we should have left our room that lunchtime. So, it appears the night when one flies is night 1! So what do Thomas Cook think people are supposed to do between 12 mid day and 6 O'clock the following morning? Baring in mind Thomas Cook have booked transport for the early morning from the hotel (where one has no bed) to the airport. I will tell you what they expect you to do....book an extra night! The worst of this is the travel agent (Going Places)made no mention of this to us on booking!
Was I angry? You bet. WE did pay the extra but what about young couples with children who might not be able to pay that extra? What about elderly people? The worst of it was the hotel  receptionist informed us this happens on a regular basis to Thomas Cook customers, people are informed at the last minute they don't have a room or have to pay extra!
Thank goodness I am an advanced practitioner in EFT and  I was able to tap away my anger and not allow my holiday to be spoilt.


  1. Logistically - the date of your departure should have been discussed with YOU at check in (whether before or after the "official" time of your check-in (usually afternoon). This is read out even before you sign in or are handed your keys - it's called clarification and good customer service. For the hotel to simply say "This happens to Thomas Cook clients all the time" - that is a total cop-out on their service.
    I better double check with my cousin when I arrive in England next year the day I arrive - I would hate to have to sit at the airport a whole day because it was my travel agents fault.

  2. I a sure your cousin would not let that happen to you!
    Nope nothing discussed at any time except in the 'handbook' left in our room which stated we must log out by lunchtime on the day of departure, our depature day was in our mind Saturday, the day we were leaving Turkey.
    Thank you for your response.

  3. Man!!!!!!! I'm so sorry! What a horrible thing to happen on your holiday. Could just imagine your roughly packed suitcases out in the street there for a minute but am glad it was sorted. However, the extra money will not be doing Thomas Cook any favours in the reputation department.
