Wednesday 23 March 2022

Gratitude attracts more good stuff

Being aware of the things for which we are grateful not only helps us have a better frame of mind it also helps us to attract more 'good stuff'. I have posted tow very short videos on YouTube to help you start a life of gratitude

Friday 18 March 2022

No Anger

NO ANGER 3/18/2022 0 Comments It feels as if we are looking at a very polarised world right now. This is right, that is wrong. This person is honest that one is a liar. This county is good, that country is bad and on it goes. If we get drawn into watching 'the news' either on mainstream media outlets or alternative platforms it is very easy to get caught up with anguish and anger. We can get so strung out emotionally about it all that we end up angry with life. I have posted this short video to demonstrate a simple but very effective method to manage anger. It is not meant to replace anger management therapy just as a tool when anger arises. If we loose our temper we loose control first of ourselves and then the situation.

Wednesday 9 March 2022

Amazon and flower meadow

It has been a bit of a mixed day today. Having been puzzled that non of the downloads of my ebook were people in the UK, I discovered that the free offer for my book on Amazon was not showing on the UK site. I contacted Amazon and had a reply almost instantly apologising and sayin that network latency was the problem, that they would rectify the situation and add an extra day to the promotion. Super service thank you Amazon! Having sorted the Amazon problem I turned my attention to lunch and for some weird reason I thought I might make some German potatoe dumplings. Big mistake they broke up in the water but I am sure all that fine grating of the spuds did me good because it was a chance to concintrate on it being a mindfulness activity (saves one grating ones fingers). Most of my afternoon was spent playing with iplayer and producing another visualisation to aid relaxation. I am still far from being skilful but I am improving. If you like you can watch/listen by following the link below.

Saturday 5 March 2022

Just for today

Just for today I will not anger. When I send anger into the world it spreads and comes back to me.

Friday 4 March 2022

Let it go - and it won't get you

Hi, are you are anyone you know beginning to get sucked into the anger/fear cloud? It is so easy right now to become manipulated by the news. We can start to judge, take sides, become angry or stressed. If any of this applies to you, please take a look at this short video. Remember when we get sucked into the emotions we can become divided from each other. This doesn't mean we should close our hearts but we do need to use discernment. To be discerning we need to remain calm and focused. Have a great weekend and know there is more good than bad in this world.

Tuesday 1 March 2022

Downward gaze - relaxation

Because I feel the fear and anxiety ramping up in the world, I have posted 6 short videos on YouTube. These videos are meant to help people find a way of remaining centred and release feelings of stress and anxiety. For the first five videos the screen showed moving images because I did not think people would want to watch me. However several people have told me that I should show myself. So this morning I added a sixth video showing me talking. Here is the new video and if you are following instructions given you won't be looking at me anyway. ​Welcome to me healing room