Wednesday 9 March 2022

Amazon and flower meadow

It has been a bit of a mixed day today. Having been puzzled that non of the downloads of my ebook were people in the UK, I discovered that the free offer for my book on Amazon was not showing on the UK site. I contacted Amazon and had a reply almost instantly apologising and sayin that network latency was the problem, that they would rectify the situation and add an extra day to the promotion. Super service thank you Amazon! Having sorted the Amazon problem I turned my attention to lunch and for some weird reason I thought I might make some German potatoe dumplings. Big mistake they broke up in the water but I am sure all that fine grating of the spuds did me good because it was a chance to concintrate on it being a mindfulness activity (saves one grating ones fingers). Most of my afternoon was spent playing with iplayer and producing another visualisation to aid relaxation. I am still far from being skilful but I am improving. If you like you can watch/listen by following the link below.

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