Thursday 10 February 2022

Getting out of the anger cloud

This morning I realised that I have been slowly sucked into the anger cloud. I am not feeling anger but, I have been adding my voice to that of many regarding, action we would like a certain person to take. I have been liking tweets and writing my own with a hashtag demanding that a certain person resign from their public office. This has been going on for quite some days. When I went to add my voice to the shouts of many others today I suddenly realised that I had become like one of those children who stand around others who are having a scrap, one of those who stand and shout 'fight, fight, fight' or like one of those people who join in a witch hunt against a colleague, adding fuel to the fire when there are spiteful whispers by the coffee machine. Know what I mean? And I realised I did not feel good about myself and my joining in with the bullying type behaviour. Not because those shouting for the action are wrong. No, I still feel we as a nature would be better off if the person concerned did the right thing. But I believe I can say I have never been a bully and don't want to be one. The main thing is, I truly believe that real change needs to come firstly from within and if someone is upsetting us we need to see what they are teaching us about ourselves. When we feel we are in order we can then bring forward positive change in the outside word. We can work with intent, we know that we can manifest what we want through seeing and feeling we already have what we desire but we do so from a place of love not hate. Energy follows thought and action follows words. We need to take care of where we place our focus. If we focus on the wrong being done and do so with anger, we feed the energy of what we want to be rid of. So, I am now going to put my energy into believing that right will be done and envisaging the bright future we all deserve. I will not give more of my energy to negativity, instead I will join with those who are focusing on using energy to change the world and disperse that anger cloud.

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