Wednesday 9 February 2022

We all have something to offer

As we in the northern hemisphere, start to move into the third Springtime since the world closed down, it becomes clearer to me that it is time that each of us start to identify what we can offer the collective. There is such a huge cloud of fear and anger at the moment, if we don’t all try to dispel it we will get sucked more and more into it. We all have something to offer. The trouble is we don’t always see the value of our individual knowledge, skills and attributes. And, because we don’t always recognise and value what we have we believe that other people don’t need us. This is a false belief. Besides, if we offer what we have and others don’t accept our gifts that’s fine. If we have done our best with good intentions that in itself has fed into the matrix. Personally I have decided that I will use my skills as a therapist and record some simple audios to help people feel less stressed. When we are stressed we don’t see clearly and are less able to function efficiently. I am attaching a simple breathing exercise to this blog. It is offered, people can accept or reject it and that’s okay.

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