Wednesday 23 February 2022

Thoughts - weapons or medicine

Let's be careful where we put our energy over the coming days and weeks. We know that where we put our energy affects our experience on this planet. We all know people who constantly complain they have a lack of money or other resources or wherever they live they have 'terrible' neighbours and have arguments of boundaries/noise/overhanging trees etc. In their heads they are always going to have bad neighbours so that is where their energy goes. Imagine what happens when a lot of people put all their energy into anger/fear/anxiety/hate and it is very easy to be sucked into such energy clouds. What we put into our own environment seeps out into the energy of the planet. Energy follows thought so thoughts can be weapons or medicine to manifest great things. We can all influence what happens on this planet. Lets me careful with our thoughts and emotions. Relax as much as possible, have kind thoughts and smile even if you cannot laugh.

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